Python — programming language in a nutshell
When you make your life decision and get interested in programming, you find Python pretty quickly. It is one of the most popular languages due to its specific application, which has become the focus of many coders. Before you reach for it, however, you need to know the basics about it, and the beginnings shouldn’t be too difficult. For some, it may be redundant in certain projects, as it is not applicable in some areas.
When using Python
Python is counted among the general purpose languages. The main point is that its syntax and entering the keyword are to facilitate the understanding of the program code, which in turn translates into an increase in the level of abstraction and distancing yourself from nuances.
It is distinguished by an extensive package of standard libraries with readable, clear, transparent source code. The non-profit Python Software Foundation is responsible for its development in the form of an Open Source project, and the standard implementation is CPhyton written in C. This way of writing allows you to create almost everything with the use of appropriate libraries or frameworks, which gives a wide range of applications.
Many companies already use it in their applications because it is a cross-platform language and interpreters are available for many systems. Currently, it is used primarily in the field of machine learning and data science, but also in the Raspberry Pi. The Django backend framework will facilitate writing efficient and elegant applications in a short time. Phyton is also used as a scripting language in applications created in languages such as Blende or Gimp.
Language syntax and features
When Python was developed, its authors first and foremost considered it to be easy and beginner-friendly, and therefore its code could be read like plain English text. Its syntax is clear, consistent and transparent, but white characters and code formatting are of great importance here, and this is what distinguishes this language from others.
Where other languages have punctuation marks, Python has indentation and English words, and has fewer syntactic constructs. Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that there is no need to set the type for variables, but only memory management through the garbage collector, which is a great help for beginners.
They don’t have to focus on learning the proper coding, but you have to bear in mind that incorrectly indented code can be confusing and the compiler or programmer reading it may interpret it differently. All this makes this language especially recommended for people who are just entering the world of programming.
Getting started with Python is relatively easy, as well as with other languages. Problems only arise later, but this is true for any programming language. The language we are currently discussing is especially useful for large companies because it is perfect for topics such as data science or machine learning. It also happens that small projects report a need for functionalities that Phyton offers.
The language is constantly fighting among the most popular known programming options, and it can be placed on the same scale as Java, JavaScript, C and C ++, it all depends on the direction in which the world is developing and what technologies are in the greatest demand at the moment, and thus also the number of orders.
Is Python for you?
To determine if this coding language is right for you, you need to think carefully and answer the question of how much it fits with your long-term career plans. Python programming can be used for many different tasks, making it a good starting point for any programmer. However, if you are going to become a web developer, don’t invest too much time and energy in learning Python, better focus on HTML, CSS or JavaScript.
Python is a high-level universal programming language that is designed to be easy to read and understand. “High-Level” means Phyton is closer to human languages than other programming languages. It has a lively and active community, and by learning the language I get access to many great tools that have been specially created by Python developers since its inception.
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