C# — programming languages in a nutshell

C# — programming languages in a nutshell

C# – programming languages in a nutshell   C# language of the future? It is by far the youngest of the available programming languages. It’s fully object-oriented and based on C and C++. It combined the performance with the mechanisms operating in the...
C — programming languages in a nutshell

C — programming languages in a nutshell

C — programming languages in a nutshell The C language is the oldest and most popular language used by programmers. It is also a structured language that does not need object-oriented programming, although object-oriented coding is possible in it. However, it is...
Kotlin — programming languages ​​in a nutshell

Kotlin — programming languages ​​in a nutshell

Kotlin-programming languages ​​in a nutshell Kotlin is it worth getting to know, use and bet on it? We all know very well that nature does not like a vacuum, and it is the same in the IT world. Every now and then new concepts, languages ​​and...
JavaScript — programming language in a nutshell

JavaScript — programming language in a nutshell

JavaScript – programming language in a nutshell Let’s get to know JavaScript together. Formerly, almost every boy dreamed of being a firefighter, soldier, or doctor when he grows up. Now that technology has risen to the heights and the world is based on...
Python — programming language in a nutshell

Python — programming language in a nutshell

Python – programming language in a nutshell When you make your life decision and get interested in programming, you find Python pretty quickly. It is one of the most popular languages ​​due to its specific application, which has become the focus of many coders....