CRM software and how to use it effectively

11 April 2022

CRM (customer relationship management) is a process that contributes to the specific management of customer service, both current and future. Thanks to the proper management of customer relations, the company can secure a better position among the competition, gain greater customer trust, and freely achieve the set goals. At the moment, entrepreneurs focused on achieving better sales and business results must remember that the quality of customer service must be at the highest level so as not to harm the company’s image, and this will probably translate directly into profitability.

To obtain the best results, a CRM system has just been created, which, with the use of appropriate tools, facilitates the conduct of the service process, and access to a number of functions makes the entire process much more effective while maintaining the satisfaction of both parties. Modern CRMs are so flexible that they can be adapted to the specific needs and expectations of the company, they can be supplemented with additional modules to expand their functionality, and it is even possible to integrate with additional programs. The advantage of the CRM system is that it can work both stationary and in the cloud in conjunction with mobile devices such as a phone or tablet anywhere, for example during a customer visit. The system works in a wide spectrum and gives great opportunities to users on many levels.


The most important possibilities include:

  • Contact with the customer — the system allows you to collect all kinds of information about contacts with the customer, which in turn makes it easier to clarify a specific offer and arrange a meeting for a specific date and time.
  • E-mail service — allows you to create e-mail messages and group them into messages sent and received from and to the client.
  • Creating offers — the system will facilitate the preparation of an offer precisely tailored to the client’s needs.
  • Data analysis — the system will analyse data about the customer and his behaviour, which will improve sales efficiency.
  • Returns and complaints — due to the fact that the system gives easy access to a lot of information, the whole process is much faster.
  • These are just a few of the many possibilities of a modern CRM program, its possibilities are definitely greater, and the benefits for the company are huge and noticeable for entrepreneurs, regardless of the industry and customer profile. The CRM system itself can prevent many shortcomings resulting from, for example, an unfortunate offer for the client, because his requirements have been ignored, and even small errors can seriously affect the company. It is also important that the CRM system, through improved operation, saves employees’ time, allows for more accurate decisions, reducing the risk resulting from running a business.

    The program for customer relations must be equipped with a reporting mechanism and analysing the entered data. Reports available in the general module allow, for example, to check what a given customer bought and for how much, who purchased a given product, and the report of specific offers. The intranet is also a component of the CRM module. The main task of the Intranet is to improve the flow of information within the company, such as: managing costs, working time and absences, and the process of their approval. In the tab, there is an option to reserve shared resources such as cars or conference rooms. In order to increase the competences of the company’s employees and at the same time the customer service, the Intranet provides internal help which is a tool for the exchange of knowledge between CRM users. All options for importing or exporting data is possible through the exchange between CRM and another application. It is thanks to this that the employee gets additional opportunities to freely analyse data. All the most important data regarding contractors, contact persons, products or other information can be quickly registered in the program.

    Salesforce also gives you the option of a detailed register of purchases made with suppliers. Extensive internal cost control mechanisms guarantee full control over the expenses reported by specific employees, and the information collected in this way allows for the extension of reports and the creation of reliable profitability analyses. Salesforce is also a tool that helps managers define the company’s strategic goals and control the ongoing activities of employees, as there are tools for planning product sales, and even customer sales activity.

    It is thanks to such tools that you can quickly intervene in the event of sudden drops or increases in demand for a given assortment or employee activity, which will allow you to make specific decisions in the future. To sum up: the basic module of the CRM system allows you to manage information about the company, contact persons, documents and products. It is also easy to verify the working time and at the same time carry out sales processes from the moment of creating the offer, through the order and ending with printing the invoice. The basic module also supports all mechanisms of information exchange within the company.

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