JavaScript — programming language in a nutshell

28 September 2021

Let’s get to know JavaScript together. Formerly, almost every boy dreamed of being a firefighter, soldier, or doctor when he grows up. Now that technology has risen to the heights and the world is based on the benefits of the Internet, boyish dreams have started to circulate more in the clouds, and therefore they want to become programmers. For many young people, this is very tempting, but at the same time quite daunting. The enormity of learning is terrifying for them most of the time.

However, hardly anyone realizes that much more knowledge can be acquired on your own than by spending many hours at school, studying or training courses. All you have to do is want and start to act, willingness is enough. A programmer is one of those professions that currently enjoys considerable interest. Employees are searched exceptionally intensively. Working in this industry is mainly about writing codes. I will try to explain a few languages ​​that are most often used by programmers, let’s start with JavaScript.


The beginnings of learning

In many courses, it starts with general information and learning about developer tools that can be found in our browsers, regardless of which one we use. JavaScript will allow you, for example, to create advanced websites. You can apply certain functions that are currently used on various websites. It is the most popular language, so you can find books, courses and folders to improve your qualifications.


What does JavaScript look like?

JavaScript is a very dynamic programming language that is responsible for the Mozilla, Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation project. When combined with an HTML document, it can deliver dynamic content to web pages. JavaScript is quite compact, but at the same time extremely flexible. It has been used by programmers who, through its core, have created many tools that open up great opportunities with minimal effort.

JS is a versatile language. It is most often used on websites to provide interaction by reacting to events, creating visual effects or validating data such as jQuery. JS can also be used to create games in various browsers using a framework, e.g. Phaser. Platforms such as Electron.js make it possible to create multi-platform applications using network technologies. 

What does JavaScript look like?

There is often advice that you have to learn JS first and then “cut off” the script, and you already know Java. It’s clear that this is just a play on words and should not be taken completely seriously, as it is not the same thing. There are many fundamental differences between these languages, and their usefulness has different directions.

JS works only in a browser, Java can be run additionally in a virtual machine. Additionally, JS is a typical scripting language, and Java is an objective programming language. The fact is, however, that both require the installation of appropriate plugins, so you need some theoretical knowledge when you start working in JS. All you need to write codes is a text editor and a browser. You don’t even need to compile any code, so it’s a simple language to learn.

Probably the problem you can face is the fact that the codes may work differently depending on the browser. However, these differences disappear as browsers develop. Problems can arise when writing larger applications. JS is a single-threaded language, so async was introduced into the language, which allowed techniques such as Ajax to be developed. This caused problems with the order in which the code was executed. Debugging is also easy, because browsers have built-in tools for developers. Most problems can be solved without the Internet or documentation. The whole thing, therefore, makes learning a language easy, while using it in practice and its entire ecosystem looks a bit worse.


Summing up everything that has been described above, the beginnings with JS are very interesting. First of all, you will learn how to use all developer tools in browsers. You have probably used the browser more than once, and you know that it is not difficult, you only need to use the shortcut ctrl + shift + i.

It is here that the first steps will be taken to introduce you to the world of the Internet and how it works. The first lessons will show many interesting facts not only in JS itself, but also in general programming. When you try to learn the secrets of the Internet from the very beginning, the functioning of websites will have no secrets from you and will not be a big question mark.
JS is one of the main languages ​​that programmers use, but they also have a few others at their disposal, which we’ll cover in future entries.

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